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Home>Credits and Contributions

To properly list the people that have contributed to PHP-Nuke over the years would be a most arduous and challenging task. You would have to go back to the original author of ThatWare, the foundation for PHP-Nuke. And then you would need to find and list the many that contributed to the advancement of the code before leaving to start PostNuke and Xaraya, and on and on we could go. In general, let us say to all of those that have gone before us, we thank you!

The original copyright owner to the name and domain was Francisco Burzi (FB) - It has since been sold and appears to no longer be active. He has included a Credits.txt file with some major credits, but for various and sundry reasons known only to FB and possibly a few others, many other major players that have contributed are nowhere to be found, so we have no real way of listing them by name. As a result, we will go from what is now established as the foundation, if you will, and go from there. The following is in no particular order and if we have made a mistake, just contact us and we will correct it ASAP! In most cases we are just listing the main people who take responsibility for releases.


  • NukeSentinel™ Security: Bob Marion and Raven
  • TegoNuke(tm) Dynamic Titles: adaptation by Montego, original from sixonetonoffun (replaced by nukeSEO™ DH)
  • TegoNuke(tm) ShortLinks (aka: GoogleTap, GT, GTNG): Montego
  • nukeSEO™ DH (Dynamic HEAD tag - title, META description, META keywords - generation): kguske
  • nukeWYSIWYG™ featuring the FCKeditor and the kses HTML filter class: kguske
  • Waraxe IT Security Portal: Janek Vind
  • TegoNuke(tm) Mailer: adaptation by Montego of both PHPNukeMailer and Swift Mailer
  • Numerous XHTML / W3C Compliance fixes: RavenNuke™ Team
  • Numerous core PHP-Nuke bug fixes and more: RavenNuke™ Team
  • Quality Assurance Contributors: CodyG, Guardian2003, kguske, Montego, FKelly, Gremmie, Susann, Evaders99, Darklord, Dad7732, Sting, Raven, Anders, Loki, Coldy, Testy1, jestrella, Jakec, SpasticDonkey, Nuken, KillingHours, Dawg, FireATST and others...
  • Integration of Captcha code: Technocrat, Raven and Montego
  • RavenStaller™ (web-based installation/configuration script): Raven
  • PHP-Nuked Patch Series: Chatserv / Modified by Evaders99
  • PHP-Nuke v7.6: Francisco Burzi


  • Tricked Out News: Nuken
  • Content Plus: jestrella
  • GCalendar: Gremmie
  • phpBB Forums: PHP-Nuked BBtoNuke by Evaders99, recoded to XHTML 1.0 Transitional Compliance by Gremmie
  • HTML Newsletter: Montego
  • Legal: DaDaNuke (original module), re-written for RavenNuke™ by Montego
  • NSN Groups: Bob Marion (with fixes by Raven and Montego)
  • NSN NukeProject: Bob Marion (original module), RavenNuke™ adaptation by Palbin
  • Enhanced Recommend Us and FeedBack modules: VinDSL and Raven
  • Enhanced Topics module: Raven and VJ Demsky
  • Resend email hack: Raven
  • MetAuthors: Heshy Shayovitz (original module) (Enhanced and fixed by Raven)
  • nukeFEED™ Feeds: kguske
  • RNYA (RavenNuke™ Your Account) user management: kguske with significant assistance from fkelly, Guardian, Montego and the RavenNuke™ team, based on CNBYA (Richard van Oosterhout and the CNB team), which was based on NSN Your Account (Bob Marion)
  • Error Documents: Raven


  • User Info: Raven with additional enhancements by SpasticDonkey
  • nukePIE™ featuring SimplePie and BoxOver (replacement for PHP-Nuke feed blocks): kguske


  • Blue Blog: Nuken (Tricked Out News)
  • CT_RN: Clan Themes (Fixes and enhancements by the RavenNuke™ Team)
  • fisubice phpbb2 style by Daz :: PHP-Nuke theme by :: fisubice Theme Recoded To 100% W3C CSS & HTML 4.01 Transitional Compliance by Raven and 64bitguy ::
  • RavenIce: gotcha (NukeCoder) (Fixes and enhancements by the RavenNuke™ Team)
  • RickTido: Nuken (Tricked Out News)
  • Simply Blue


  • Numerous hard-coded literal fixes and other language file define fixes: RavenNuke™ Team and Community
  • French
  • German: Susann
  • Hungarian
  • Italian
  • Norwegian
  • Spanish: jestrella


  • Shout Box:, tweaked by Gremmie and Testy1 to work under RavenNuke™ (as of this writing, was off-line)

There are many more, we know, that have passed on tweaks and helped hone code here and there. To all of you we say thanks also. And lest we not forget the theme authors too.